No, travel to Ukraine is currently not safe due to the ongoing war with Russia.

Travel advisories from various governments universally advise against travel to Ukraine. This includes the US Department of State [US Department of State Travel Advisory], the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office [UK travel advice], and the Australian Smartraveller [Smart Traveller Ukraine].

Here’s why travel is risky:

  • Active armed conflict: Military działania (działania – Polish for “actions”) are ongoing across Ukraine, posing a serious threat to civilians. Missile strikes and shelling can happen anywhere in the country.
  • Unpredictable security situation: The situation on the ground can change rapidly, making it difficult to plan safe travel.
  • Disrupted infrastructure: Essential services like transportation and healthcare may be unavailable in some areas.
  • Risk of landmines and unexploded ordnance: Areas with recent fighting may contain landmines and other explosives, posing a serious danger.

For your safety, it’s best to postpone your trip to Ukraine until the conflict is resolved and the country has rebuilt its infrastructure.

Consider alternative destinations for your travels. There are many beautiful and safe places to explore around the world.

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